A complete tutorial explaining step by step how to create an account and fill in your full profile on the Artizyou application.
How to create an account with Aritzyou?
  • Creating a free account
  • The choice of the type of support, be it an image, a text or a digital file, for example. an algorithm, a video ETC
  • Certification for a single payment explain why Artizyou is useful
Explanation of the operation in three stages:
A complete tutorial explaining you step by step on how to protect your digital creation whatsoever:
- A video
- A Music
- An algorithm
- An application
- A video-game
How to protect a digital work with Artizyou?
A complete tutorial explaining you step by step on how to protect your imaginary creation whatsoever:
- A photo
- An industrial design
- Graphic design
- A logo
- A painting
- A picture
HOW TO PROTECT IMAGE, Illustration, Industriel Design with Artizyou?
A complete tutorial explaining you step by step how to protect your text content whatsoever:
- A book
- An article
- An end of study project
How to protect a book or any textuel creation with Artizyou?
Check our FAQ and learn more!
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